AmigaActive (764/2143)

From:Mark Wilson
Date:9 May 2000 at 18:07:15
Subject:Re: Where can I get? (tech help)

On Tue, 9 May 2000 12:53:34 +0100 oruk_amigan wrote:

Hi oruk_amigan,

> >Oh, and does anyone have any driver disks for the A2091 scsi card?, because
> >found one of these too.

> Should be on the card's ROMs. Which brings up one point, what revision are
> the A2091's ROMs? I say this because rev. 6.6 and older conflict with
> AmigaOS release 2.0 and later, where as release 7.0 A2091 ROMs don't. I
>dunno what name it is, but I get a2091scsi.device, or it may even be
> scsi.device which would conflict with 3.x's scsi.device (ide)? I'm not sure > since my unused
> A2500 (with A2091 and A2620) has the old cranky 1.3 release (still,
> it'sbetter than my 1.2 A500 :) and therefore won't conflict with anything
> like that. But since I never really use the thing; I cannot recall what such
> a device is called.... hmmmm

/me digs out his scsi card ...

Ok, the chips have V6.6 slapped on them, Arse!, so I guess I need to hunt down
either a csmk2 scsi card or another z2/3 scsi card (I want to try and cut some
cd`s with my amiga for the local usergroup magazine..)

> >While I`m on the subject, is it possable for a Rev9 buster to cause all >>kinds of weird crashes?, When I first tried the A4000 I put all the cards in >> which

> >are as follows

> >CSMK2 (040/40)

> Which is a fast slot card and not a Zorro card, so that *shouldn't matter* or
> conflict.

Yeah, I figured that much out :o)

> >CV64 (Not 3d)
> >Hydra ethernet Card
> >Hypercom Z3i

> Bingo! You have a CV64 and a Hypercom Z3i, I believe these two are Zorro III
> only cards - thus meaning your Buster rev. 9 throws a wobbler! Only 1 ZIII
> card can work reliably in a rev. 9 buster. Revision 11 buster will solve
> this
> - just hope and pray that A4K has a socketed Buster!! :))

Hmm, I`m sure the CV64 is 3/2 ? I`d of thought it would of worked as well in
Z2 mode as in Z3?

> >Other details are that I only have 3.0 roms.

> Well 3.0 ROMs are known to be quite flaky with RTG schemes, Picasso 96 or
> CGfx.
> 3.1 will resolve many problems....

Oddly I could never get Cgfx to work on my 3000, Never got past bootup, But
picasso96 worked first time for me. I spoke to one of the guys developing it
and he said "its an amiga thing" seems I had a really fussy 3000/cv64!

Yeah, I had 3.1 roms in my 3000, they are useless for a 4000 through, I`ll get
some on order as soon as I can.

> >Also What kind of memory should a CSMK2 use? does it require paired simms?,
> >can it use EDO, etc etc.

> I'm not sure, but I believe like all phase5 cards EDO works, and that the
> extra stuff is just ignored. I'm not sure about memory pairing - I know the
> CSPPC needs it but why not try? :)

Last time I tried to do something someone suggested, I nearly killed myself..

I`ll have to lay my hands on 4 nice paired simms :)

> >Sorry for the long post, but after months of not having a working Amiga, I
> >want to make one last attempt at getting this amiga going before I have to
> >give it back or rip my hair out (due to using windows)

> NP mate, after all this is what the list is for. This should help youout....

Yeah, apart from I still dont know where to get a vga lead from :p


Later Kids,

Mark 'tecno' Wilson : Team Member of AmiBench

ICQ Number: 39814816

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